Since we last spoke, I have had two massage treatments.
The first was on Monday, a hot stone massage with turmeric and lavender. I was surprised with the aromas and the effects they had on me. The turmeric was mixed in with the base oil, and the practitioner then placed heated volcanic stones on me, so that I was massaged with the stones. If you would like to know more about this therapy I can make a recommendation – get in touch.
Yesterday I had an acupuncture session, with the focus on my general well-being. The practitioner identified that I should be eating less dairy, which was interesting as I have never particularly noticed any adverse effects. I find it a great treatment to focus on your general health and well-being, as they can identify your overall heath and diet intake.
I have started drinking green tea three times a day. It seems to have similar effects to water retention tablets. The taste is better than I thought but I am keen to find out if there are other flavours out there.
To make the most of the pumpkins seeds, I am planning on making a warm salad with toasted pumpkin seeds and grilled halloumi. I spotted this recipe to try.
With the sudden cold snap I am feeling hungry and more lethargic. I am struggling a bit to stick to the 5-2 diet. However, I have really noticed a weight loss difference in the past few weeks, as I have been religiously sticking to it and it has paid off. This weight loss, however, has really made me feel the cold – it feels like I need to buy some vests to keep warm! I have even ordered new uniform tops with long sleeves. It is also worth remembering that if you get cold you are leaving yourself vulnerable to picking up bugs that can make you unwell. As it continues to get colder remember your hats and gloves!
Sporting event
I met with Colin Jackson and other sports people at the “Sporting Champions Day” sponsored by Everyone Active. I found it really inspiring and informative, and the general company was really interesting. The tips I came away with are how you deal with the press, such as sticking to what you want to say rather than being pushed into what they want you to answer, being aware of your body language and not wearing distracting clothing, and don’t babble!
Take care,